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Year 6

"The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get understanding." - Proverbs 4:7


Welcome to Spring Term 4 in our Year 6 class. Our teachers are Mrs. Bull, who teaches year 6 from Monday-Thursday, and Mrs. Stinga, who teaches year 6 on a Friday.

This term we are learning and writing by studying the book ‘Island: A Story of the Galápagos’ by Jason Chin and the picture book ‘The Rain Player’ by David Wisniewski, linked to our topic 'The Maya Civilisation'. These texts will support and inform our writing building towards writing a piece of journalistic report writing. . All other curricular subject topics are detailed below in our Year 6 Curriculum Overview. 

Our Guided Reading class text is ‘The Curse of the Maya’ by Johnny Pearce.

PE for this term is on a Tuesday and Friday. Please could the children come to school dressed in their PE kit these days.  

Our school Gospel Virtues this term are Attentive and Discerning and children will be encouraged and be given house points and INSPIRED points to demonstrate these virtues every day in school.

Topic Web


Year 6 Term 4 Homework:

Homework for Spring Term 4 will be set regularly throughout the week, often after a specific lesson or Year 6 Revision Club session using the children's personalised CGP books. Homework is expected to be completed by the following Monday.  Spellings will be set via spelling shed and on paper to be learnt for the following Monday.

Homework will consist of:

  • Complete grammar and punctuation homework using and/or the SPAG CGP book. 
  • One reading comprehension task.
  • Maths arithmetic skills-based and reasoning activities.  
  • Weekly spellings.
  • Personalised spellings.
  • Reading for at least twenty minutes every day.
  • Practice their multiplication tables on Times Tables Rock Stars or on a paper worksheet.

Year 6 Recommended Reading Lists:

Year 5 and 6 Spelling List:

SpellingWordList_Y5-6.pdf ( 

Times Tables Rock Stars:

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

Counting By Sixes Song (

Count By 7 Song (

Counting By Eights Song (

British Super Tutor - For bitesize SATS prep!

Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary

Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary ( 

Year 6 Yearly Subject Planner Overview: