Spring 2
We welcome you back and hope you have had a lovely break. Last term the children have become more independent, determined and demonstrated perseverance and enthusiasm to learn. We are very excited to see what this term brings.
This term the children will be learning about 'Under The Sea' and we are ready to dive straight in and learn about the book 'The Rainbow Fish'.
Below is a copy of the current topic designed to be flexible, engaging and exciting and to provide passion, interests and challenge for all. We aim to inspire your child to be confident and create a love for discovery, preparing them not just for school but the wider world.
Topic Web for Spring 2
Click on the links for supporting games
Early Years Early Years - Topmarks Search
How do Mr T's Phonics & Geraldine make learning essential reading and phonics skills EASY and FUN?!
English Games KS1 | learn punctuation, reading and spelling
Homework will go home on a Thursday. Please return this before Tuesday.
How to help your child learn the Read Write Inc. phonics sounds - YouTube
Follow the link to see how to help your child learn the Read Write Inc. phonics sounds
PE will be on a Thursday this term.