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At St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, the importance of prayer is evident throughout school. Across all year groups, throughout the school day, our children are encouraged to learn and say prayers. Our connection with God can flourish when nurtured through communication. Prayer serves as the conduit through which we engage in this dialogue with the divine. For the children at our school, we set aside special times during the school day for prayer that is outside of mass, Gospel assembly and collective worship. Prayer times are the beginning of the school day, before lunchtime, after lunch break and at the end of the day. The prayers that we say can be seen in the prayer booklet below.  

Parental support in promoting prayer is encouraged and very much appreciated. Children are also given reflection time in their classes, where they can lead and reflect on prayer where they feel is appropriate.

Our School Prayer:




Our school prayer is a very important part of day to day life in our school.  It helps us to place God at the centre of our relationships, our work and play and all that we do.

Our school prayer is said across our school each day at the end of the day, as well as during whole school and key stage assemblies. 

Our prayer leaders lead us in the saying and signing of our school prayer during our weekly celebration assemblies.






Below is our school prayer booklet for you to use at home.