Year 1
Welcome to Year 1, where we love to learn and play! We are taught by Miss Oakley on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Ogden teaches us on Thursdays and Fridays. Miss Harris supports us in our classroom every day. Miss Cory will be covering PPA time on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon this term.
Happy new year to all of our Year 1 families!
This term our topic is 'Travel and Transport', the children will think about how travel and transport has changed over the years. This will link with our D.T work where the children will be designing and creating their own moving vehicles. In our English work we will be looking at the story 'Grandpa's Gift' by Fiona Lumbers, which will lead up to the children writing their own stories. In maths we will be finishing off looking at part-whole relationships. We will then look in detail at the numbers 0-5 before starting a new unit in which we will recognise, compose, decompose and manipulate 2D and 3D shapes. In RE we will be thinking about Christmas as well as thinking about Jesus as a teacher and healer. In RSE we will think about the special people in our lives and how to treat others with respect and to understand when and why we should say sorry. In PSHE, we will be looking at health and well-being, including why rest and sleep are important (this may even encourage the children to go to bed earlier for you!). We'll also be learning about animals in science, developing our dance skills in PE and our musical skills in our music lessons. Finally we will be learning about programming in computing. Please have a look at our topic web (below) to find out more!
PE this term will be dance and this will take place on Fridays.
Homework will be set each Friday and is to be completed by the following Wednesday. This will be a combination of written homework, Numbots (online) and Spelling Shed (online).
We are looking forward to another fabulous term with your children!
Miss Ogden and Miss Oakley.
Topic Web Spring 1 - Transport and Travel.
Useful links: