Year 1
Welcome to Year 1, where we love to learn and play! We are taught by Miss Oakley on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Ogden teaches us on Thursdays and Fridays. Miss Harris and Mrs Williamson support us in our classroom every day. Miss Cory will be covering PPA time this term.
This term our topic is 'Seasons', the children will think about the four seasons and what the weather is like in the UK. This will link with our science topic of seasonal changes and our art topic, where the children will be designing and creating their own seasonal-inspired plate designs based on Clarice Cliff's 'Circle Tree' plate. In our English work we will be looking at the story 'The curious case of the missing mammoth' by Ellie Hattie and Karl James Mountford. We will be working towards writing a story, based on the structure of ‘The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth’. In maths we be focusing on additive structures and addition and subtraction facts within 10. We will think about the signs needed to write an equation. We will also look at number bonds to 10, odd and even numbers and halving and doubling. In RE we will be thinking about Jesus as a teacher and healer, Lent and Holy Week. In RSE we will be looking at special people in our lives, good and bad secrets, personal space and harmful substances. We'll also be developing our musical skills in our music lessons. Finally we will be continuing to learn about programming in computing, where the children will be able to apply what they have learnt about algorithms so far.
- PE this term will be Target Games and this will take place on Tuesdays with the Elite Sports coaches.
- Forest school will take place on Thursdays - more details to follow about this on Parenthub.
- Homework will be set each Friday and is to be completed by the following Wednesday. This will be a combination of written homework, Numbots (online) and Spelling Shed (online).
We are looking forward to another fabulous term with your children!
Miss Ogden and Miss Oakley.
Topic Web Spring 2- Seasons.
Useful links: