A letter from our Governors:
As Governors we work with our school leaders to ensure St Joseph’s is a school where children can thrive and be, “inspired to be our best “. It is part of our duty as Governors to give strategic direction, monitor and plan to secure good attendance in our school and to promote an ethos of good attendance. Unfortunately, attendance and punctuality at our school are causing real concern. We understand that the past few years have had a real impact on school attendance but, now that we have returned to normal, it is more important than ever that children are in school to redress the balance in all areas of their education. We do appreciate children need to be kept off school when they are genuinely sick; however, there are currently too many children who have poor attendance rates. Poor attendance and late arrivals not only affects the child who is not in school but all the other children in the class too.
Why it matters :
- 5 days of absence in one year = 97.3% attendance
- 14 days absence in one year = 92.6% attendance
We are obliged to consider 90% attendance as “PERSISTENT ABSENCE”
- 20 days absence in one year = 89.4% attendance
- 39 days absence in one year = 80% attendance or the equivalent of one day a week!
Please help you child and us by considering the following :
- Wherever possible make routine medical appointments out of school time
- The school will only grant a pupil a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. Please understand that the Headteacher is not being personal or difficult when she does not grant holidays in term time.
- Ensure your child’s prompt arrival at school to help them make a good start to the day.
It is our belief that good attendance and punctuality are not only fundamental to a child’s progress but develop good habits and skills which lead to success later in life. We are committed to working in partnership with parents and to supporting you in your aspirations for your children’s education so we look forward to your support with this.
Thank you in anticipation of your support in this important matter.
Local Governing Body (Governors)